
16042014: Fluffy Jacket

Ihr Lieben! Als ich im Winter in Berlin war, hing in allen H&M Stores diese kuschelige Jacke. Wie ich feststellte
gab es drei verschiedene Varianten mit drei verschieden Preisen. Leider konnte ich mich nicht wirklich
durchringen eine davon zukaufen, da mir irgendwie keine so richtig gepasst hat. Oversized ist zwar in, aber es
möchte ja schließlich niemand wie der Eisbär höchst persönlich herumlaufen.
Bei meinem letzten Shopping Trip stieß ich dann bei H&M auf diese Variante der Jacke. Ursprünglich
ich sie in schwarz, doch dieses leichte rosé überzeugte mich auf Anhieb. Leider gab es meine Größe nicht mehr,
aber ich finde trotzdem, dass die Jacke mir ziemlich gut passt. Kombiniert habe ich sie wieder einmal mit
meiner Lieblingshose (ebenfalls von H&M). Hoffentlich habt ihr sie euch noch nicht übergesehen ;)
During my Berlin trip in the winter holidays I saw this fluffy jacket at H&M. As I realized there were three
different variants with three different prices. Unfortunately I couldn´t bring myself to buy it, because it
doesn´t really fit. I know that oversized is in, but nobody wants to look like a polar bear.
On my last shopping trip I found this model of the jacket. Originally I want it in black, but the rosé colour
onvinced me. Regrettably they hadn´t my size, but anyway I think it really fits. I combined it with my
favourite pants (from H&M too).
 Shirt, Jacket, Pants: H&M
Ankle Boots: TK Maxx
Bracelets: Review


  1. LOL..."nobody wants to look like a polar bear." You're funny! But I totally know what you mean. Sometimes I feel like I can't pull off that boxy (and fuzzy) look. This jacket looks amazing on you, though. Glad you bought this one instead :)

    Thanks so much for your comment on my blog. I really like yours! I'm now following you on GFC, Bloglovin, and Facebook.

    xo Azu

  2. Love the texture of that coat. It looks fabulous on you!

  3. Hey! Thanks for your comment on my blog! Yes I'd like to follow each other, followed you GFC and Bloglovin already! :)

    Chasing Those Silver Linings

  4. Die Schuhe gefallen mir sooo gut!!!
    LG Aziza

  5. Thank you sweets for visiting my blog. Looking fabulous dear. I loved your blog too. Let me know when you follow me (Bloglovin, Twitter) I will follow you back. Keep in touch :-)

  6. Süßes Jäckchen und tolle Schuhe :)

  7. You fluffy jacket is so lovely!!
    You look very pretty!

  8. Love the whole outfit and the fluffy jacket is really nice!

  9. Love this look doll! And that fluffy jacket loos pretty on you! x

  10. Love the jacket and your boots :)
    Would you like to follow each other on GFC?

  11. i love ur white coat or jacket i mean ,thats sooo pretty <3 and really match with your style :)

    Would you like to follow each other on GFC and IG? :) Just let me know :)

  12. Thanks for visiting my blog and your lovely comment!
    Followed you and hope u can follow me back!


    Fancy To Go


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