Und nun zur freudigen Nachricht: Ich bin stolze Besitzerin einer Louis Vuitton Tasche!!! Gekauft habe ich sie bei Lipstick Vintage (den Laden, den ich euch bereits in meinen Mailand Shopping Tipps vorgestellt habe) - einem kleinen und schönen Vintage-Laden, wo es von Chanel bis YSL alles gibt und musste sie natürlich am selben Tag auch gleich noch ausführen. Wobei man dazu sagen muss, dass eine LV Tasche in Mailand nichts besonderes ist, da wirklich jeder zweite damit herumläuft. In Deutschland dagegen ist das zum Glück noch nicht der Fall.
But now the joyful news: I'm the proud owner of a Louis Vuitton bag !!! I bought it at Lipstick Vintage (the store I have already presented to you in my Milan Shopping Tips) - a small and beautiful vintage store, where you can buy everything from Chanel to YSL and of course I had to wear it on the same day. Although one must say that a LV bag isn´t something special in Milan, because really every second is carrying one. Fortunately in Germany, this is not the case.
The bag itself is really vintage. The model is called Boulogne and was made in 2000 in France (the connoisseurs among you know that you can exquisite this in / on the bag because of the data code ), but is not longer manufactured. So I have a rare model and I just love this retro style.
The pantskirt you already know from last outfit pictures. The parka is also from Stradivarius and really perfect for fall. The jeans look I like much better than the green models, available everywhere now again :)
Top: H&M
Pantskirt: Stradivarius
Sneakers: Puma
Bag: Louis Vuitton Boulogne (Vintage)
Necklace: H&M
Bracelet: New Yorker
Love love your sneakers!!!
ReplyDeleteTolles Outfit,Video finde ich super,tolle location, i love it 😍 viele liebe grüsse Billy
ReplyDeletewieviel hast du denn dafür hingelegt? :o sieht klasse aus!
ReplyDeleteDanke :) Im Vergleich zum Originalpreis war es ein Schnäppchen ;)
DeleteAmazing bag! It looks stunning against your blue outfit!
This was a fantastic purchase - Louis Vuitton items are such classic, timeless pieces to add to any collection as they become even more interesting with age! :)
- I follow back on Bloglovin' -
Cooles Outfit auf einem tollen Blog!
ReplyDeleteUnd jedes Mädchen träumt doch von einer LV Tasche ;) Jetzt hast du eine, wie schön!
Liebe Grüße!
Love the outfit and accessories !
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment on my old blog (MyWondersMeerveilles) !
I was surprised to find comments over there :D
You are welcome to my new blog on wordpress.
I keep your link in my favourite to not miss your new reviews !
WondersReviews Recently Posted : DREAM LASHES NO HURTS, Easy No LashCurler Curls Trick[Dior It-lash,Maximizer/M2Serum]
love the accessories!
Alice's Pink Diary
How awesome Sarah! That bag is divine!
Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook / International Giveaway
Gorgeous bag! <3 Would you like to follow each other? :)
ReplyDeleteSuch a classy bag! Love it.
ReplyDeleteAll the best,
Jana & Vanessa
Das Outfit ist echt geil, ich liebe den Parka! *-*
ReplyDeleteUnd der Kauf von treaclemoon-Produkten lohnt sich ungelogen
wirklich immer. Ich habe damit noch nie schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht. :)
Such a good look! That bag is gorgeous. Thanks for commenting on my blog, and yes i'd love to follow eachother! I'm just about to follow you!
ReplyDeleteXx Emma