After my selfmade bag post, is here the second "do it yourself" article. I´ve cut off an old Jeans from New Yorker, turn the ends inside out and stich down the sides. After that I pimped the Hot Pants with some rivets. Finish!
DIY: Jeans Hot-Pants mit Nieten
After my selfmade bag post, is here the second "do it yourself" article. I´ve cut off an old Jeans from New Yorker, turn the ends inside out and stich down the sides. After that I pimped the Hot Pants with some rivets. Finish!
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Diese Jeans mit Nieten finde ich so toll, nur bin ich nie dazu gekommen es selber zumachen. Kaufen will ich es nicht, da sie meistens viel mehr kosten.
ReplyDeleteGreat job darling!!!!!!
great post! :)
ReplyDeleteThis is a great DIY project, I only wish I had the skills you have!
ReplyDeletexx Debbie
These are cute!!!
ReplyDelete♥, Brittney @ True Vintage Love
great love it
ReplyDeleteGreat blog :)
Sehr cooles DIY! GLG Silvi♥fashion-beauty-zone♥
ReplyDeleteI am following now :)
ReplyDeleteGreetings :)
Sieht toll aus!
ReplyDeletethey look awesome !!!
ReplyDeletesure, let's follow each other, followed you on GFc...waiting for you to do the same!
that s really nice !
ReplyDeleteGreat tutorial! Will try this soon :-)
it looks lovely :) good job!
cool idea!♥ love the studs!:)
Cute DIY